
5 Tips For Dealing With Arthritis Pain Daily

Helpful Tips When Dealing With Arthritis Pain

Dealing with arthritis,  pain and swelling in the joints will make it difficult to do daily activities. 

Whether you are subject to periodic bouts of pain or experience it all the time, functioning day to day may seem impossible at times. 



So what can a person do to make life easier when living with arthritis?

There are 5 tips for dealing with arthritis pain to make your life more manageable.


Tip #1.

Make Your Living Quarters Easier To Move Around In

Arthritis of the knees, hips, or feet will make it hard to maneuver around in your house or apartment. 

Even the simple act of walking from one room in your home to the next may subject you to minor to extreme discomfort.

Therefore, try to make it as easy as possible to get around by moving furniture in your space. 

Family members or friends can help to rearrange your furniture to create a straight path, reducing turns and steps you have to make getting around your various rooms.


Tip #2.

Arrange Your Kitchen Space To Put Objects Within Reach

When arthritic pain is present, it can be difficult to reach for and grip needed objects when your joints hurt. 

Instead of using the high shelves in the kitchen, it is better to put all foods and dishes on lower shelves or utilize your countertop.


Do you have trouble trying to grasp dresser drawer handles due to pain in your hands? 

A better solution would be to use your closet to hang clothes.  Garments will come right off the hangers with just a tug.


Tip #3.

Keep Pain Relievers Readily Available In The Home And Car

All arthritis patients usually experience pain daily.  The use of pain relievers can be effective in relieving or eliminating pain for a while.

In as little as 15 minutes, they can help relieve pain and suffering in the affected joints.

Be sure to keep on hand over-the-counter arthritis creams; they provide pain relief as soon as skin contact is made.


leg and arm pain


Keep some pills and creams in your home, car, and purse so that you will always have some form of medication in reach. 

Although there are various ways to reduce the risk of arthritis pain, keep in mind that anything can activate pain. Therefore, always be prepared to deal with it.

The toes, feet, hips, or knees can be difficult and painful. Pressure is applied to your already painful joints with each step you take.

Walking aids help to reduce the weight that you put on the affected areas.

Devices such as knee braces, crutches, or canes contribute greatly to getting around.

The less pressure you apply to your joints, the less pain you should feel.


Tip #4.


When Dealing With Arthritis Ask For Help When The Need Arises

Arthritis patients experience times when they feel helpless; they may also feel too proud or even ashamed to ask for help.

The loss of doing daily activities may affect one,s mental state as well.



Normally simple tasks such as opening a jar of mayonnaise, a walk to the mailbox, or lifting a heavy box can prove to be frustrating.

Although it can be hard, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Ask your neighbor to deliver your mail to your home and save a heavy box until a family member can help you.


Tip #5.

Keep A Written Record Of Day To Day Activities Of Dealing With Arthritis Pain

One of the many problems arthritis patients face is difficulty in dealing. 

Discussing problems with a medical professional, a family member, or a friend can help ease whatever anxiety or tension you may have.


Dealing With Arthritis


One of the worst things to do is to keep these emotions from building up inside of you.

Becoming bitter about your situation may well do more harm than good.

If you are angry about having arthritis, try to get it out of you and learn to deal with issues and complications as they arise.

One way is to join a support group. It is best to talk to someone at home or join an arthritis support group.

Keep a journal and be sure to write down all feelings, including the good and the bad aspects.

There are many ways to treat and manage arthritis pain.

Over-the-counter products are a lifesaver for many arthritis patients, but they are not the only option.

The first step should be focusing on day-to-day tasks.

When these tips will make one’s life seem easier and less painful, the rest will simply just fall into place.

Your well-being when living with arthritis involves not only dealing with your physical capabilities but having a stable frame of mind as well.